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앞으로 블로그에 올라오는 글들은 매 30분 간격으로 트위터에 전달된다. 이미 트위터와 페이스북을 연동시켜 놨으니 세 곳에 글이 함께 올라간다. 그러면 보다 많은 사람들에게 내 생각 및 정리들이 공유된다.혼자하면 때론 지치고 지루해 질때도 있다. 그래서 블로그를 이용해 정리하고 메모하는 습관을 들여가며 스스로를 다독여 주는 것이 내 학습 방법이다.
Gathering pebbles is my hobby. Finders keepers, loosers weepers, And Others Sharers
Thursday, December 31, 2009

<1부 '공짜'란 무엇인가?>에서는 공짜의 역사를 살펴보며, 과거의 공짜를 통해 사람들이 갖고 있는 공짜에 대한 편견 및 오해를 알아 본다. 이를 바탕으로 21세기의 공짜를 새롭게 조명한다.
<2부 디지털 공짜>에서는 본격적으로 웹 비지니스에서 공짜가 미치는 효과를 알아보고, 이를 증명하는 여러 사례들을 제시한다.
<3부 공짜 경제학, 그리고 공짜 세계>에서는 앞으로 더욱 커질 공짜 비지니스 세계를 보여주며, 우리가 그 속에서 어떤 전략을 취해야 할지 언급한다.
저자는 공짜를 이용한 성공 사례를 나열하기 보다는 역사적으로 공짜의 유례를 알아보고, 공짜라는 요소가 사람들에게 미치는 심리적 요소를 분석하여 경제적 파급효과를 예측한다.
현재는 비트 세계에서 효력을 떨치는 공짜의 힘이 언젠가는 원자 세계에서도 발생할 것이라 예견한다. 즉, 공짜로 자동차 혹은 집을 주고 기존과 전혀 다른 방법으로 수익을 창출할 수 있을 것이다.
공짜 비지니스 모델로 첫째는 직접 교차보조금이다. 휴대전화를 무료로 제공하고, 통화료를 비롯한 기타 통신 서비스를 받는 방법 혹은 쇼를 무료로 제공하고, 술을 유료로 판매하는 형식, 쇼핑몰의 무료주차, 제품 속에 들어 있는 증정품 등이 직접 교차보조금의 좋은 예시이다. 과거부터 많이 이용되는 방법임에도 때때로 공짜로 제공되는 상품이 기대 이상의 파격적일 때 사람들의 관심을 주목시키기에 충분한 효과를 누릴 수 있다.
둘째로 3자간 시장 혹은 양면 시장이 있다. 이는 한 고객층이 다른 고객층을 보조하는 방식으로 간접 교차보조금이라 할 수 있다. 즉, A는 B에게 무료로 서비스를 제공하며 그 대가를 C로 부터 받는 것이다. C는 A가 제공하는 서비스를 통해 B로 부터 잠재적인 수익을 창출하길 기대하는 비지니스 모델이다. 광고의 후원을 받는 미디어, 여성을 무료로 입장 시키고 남성을 유로로 입장시키는 술집, 상점에 상품을 들여놓은 판매자들에게 입점료를 받고 소비자들에게 무료 쇼핑 기회를 제공하는 방법 등 다양하다.
셋째로 프리미엄 전략(Freemimun strategy)이 있다. 이는 일부 소수의 특수 고객층이 나머지 다수의 고객들을 보조하는 방법이다. 저품질 MP3를 무료로 공급하고, 콘서트와 같은 고품질 음악 패키지를 유료로 판매, 웹 콘텐츠를 무료 제공하고 인쇄 콘텐츠를 유료 판매, 온라인 게임을 무료 제공하고 게임에서 보다 재미를 느끼고 싶은 고객층에게 유료 아이템을 판매하는 사례 등이 있다.
그가 책에서 밝힌 공짜의 규칙을 적어 본다.
1. 디지털 상품이라면, 조만간 공짜가 될 것이다.
2. 원자 역시 공짜가 되고 싶어 하지만, 적극적으로 추구하고 있지는 않다.
3. 무료화의 흐름은 막을 수 없다.
4. 공짜를 통해서 수익을 올릴 수 있다.
5. 시장을 재정의하라.
6. 먼저 무료로 제공하라.
7. 조만간 공짜와 경쟁하게 될 것이다.
8. 낭비를 환영하라.
9. 공짜가 다른 상품을 보다 가치 있게 만든다.
10. 희소성 경영이 아니라, 풍요 경영을 하라.
더욱더 개방성이 강조되는 웹을 통해 교육, 미디어, 정보 등의 서비스들이 공짜로 제공되는 세상이다. '1'과 '0'은 하나 차이지만, 비트 세계에서는 '有'와 '無'를 나타낸다. Freeconomics를 이해하는 사람이 '0'을 '1'로 바꿀 수 있다.
2009 내가 읽은 책

올 한해를 정리하며 읽었던 책들을 하나씩 떠올려 본다. 어떤 책은 제목만 간신히 떠오르기도 하고, 어떤 책은 인상 깊은 글귀가 하나의 사진처럼 머리 속에 떠오르기도 한다. 기억나는 도서 제목만 약 44권이 되므로 평균 한 주에 한 권씩 읽었다.
하나 하나 제목을 적고 나니 생각보다 그리 많은 책을 읽은 것 같지도 않다. 앞으로는 꾸준히 연간 독서량을 늘려가는 것 뿐만아니라 읽은 책을 정리해 두는 습관을 기르는 것도 중요하다. 역시 읽고 블로그를 통해 정리했던 책들이 기억에도 많이 남는다.
1 1Q84 상, 하 - 무라카미 하루키
2 2009 이상문학상 작품집
3 Fortune Korea Sept,Oct,Nov
4 How to steal a dog -Barbara O'Connor
5 No Limits - 마이클 팰프스
6 Predictably Irrational - Dan Ariely
7 Snowball - 앨리스 슈뢰더
8 What Would Google Do - Jeff Jarvis
9 개를 훔치는 완벽한 방법 - 바바라 오코너
10 꿈, 희망, 미래 - 스티브 김
11 꿈의 해석 - 프로이트
12 넛지 - 리처드 탈러
13 네가 어떤 삶을 살든 나는 너를 응원할 것이다 - 공지영
14 마케팅은 짧고 서비스는 길다 - 쿠니토모 류이치
15 마케팅이란 무엇인가 - 폴 스미스
16 부활 상, 하 - 톨스토이
17 불안 - 알랭 드 보통
18 사람은 무엇으로 사는가 - 톨스토이
19 살인자의 건강법 - 아멜리 노통
20 생활 속 수학의 기적 - 알브레히트 보이텔슈프라허
21 선과 악을 넘어서 - 니체
22 선의 나침반 - 숭산, 현각
23 세계 최고의 철강인 박태준 - 이대환
24 손자병법
25 승자는 혼자다 1 - 파올로 코엘료
26 시골의사의 아름다운 동행 1 - 박경철
27 아름다운 인생은 얼굴에 남는다 - 원철
28 아우구스투스 - 앤서니 애버렛
29 아주 가벼운 깃털 하나 - 공지영
30 엄마를 부탁해 - 신경숙
31 에너지 버스 - 존 고든
32 역사란 무엇인가 - 에릭 포너
33 우리는 사랑일까 - 알랭 드 보통
34 죄와 벌 - 도스토옙스키
35 지도밖으로 행군하라 - 한비야
36 차라투스트라는 이렇게 말했다 - 니체
37 촐라체 - 박범신
38 칼의 노래 - 김훈
39 프로이트와의 대화 - 이창재
40 프리 - 크리스 앤더슨
41 행동경제학 - 도모노 노리오
42 현의 노래 - 김훈
43 화폐전쟁 - 쑹훙빙
44 흐르는 강물처럼 - 파올로 코엘료
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
사회복지시설의 필요성
12월은 유난히 봉사와 나눔의 행사가 많은 달이다. 올해도 크리스마스를 기리며 내가 몸 담고 있는 미군 부대와 인연을 맺고 있는 후암동의 혜심원을 방문했다. 혜심원은 미취학 아동을 포함하여 고등학생까지 사회의 관심과 사랑을 필요로하는 아이들을 위한 좋은 보금처이다. 부대와 혜심원 사이의 연락을 담당하고 있어서 개인적을 권필환 원장님을 만난 적이 있다. 강단한 체구의 권필한 원장님은 인자하신 미소를 우리를 맞아 주셨다.

아이들과의 피자 파티 중간에 부대 종군 신부는 크리스마스에 미국 남부 지방에서는 전통적으로 햄을 먹으며 한 해의 축복을 기린다며 햄 피자를 가져온 의미를 전달했다. 이번 방문이 나에게는 3번째 방문이다. 그래서 나를 기억하는 아이들이 몇명 생겼다. 머쓱하니 먼저 인사를 해주는 아이들이 고맙다. 한 해에 우리처럼 방문하는 단체만 해도 그 수가 엄청날 텐데 자주 방문하지도 않는 나를 알아보고 그간의 자기 생활에 대해 동생처럼 조곤조곤 말하는 아이들을 보면 무심한 내가 부끄러워진다.
혜심원을 방문한 다음주에 아현동에 위치한 노인 주간보호소를 다녀왔다. 사실 어머니께서 함께 가자고 권유하셔서 이다. 어머니께서는 평소부터 노인복지에 관심을 갖다가 작년에 동남보건대학에서 노인복지사 관련 수업을 수강하신 뒤로 꾸준히 봉사를 하신다. 이곳은 뇌출혈로 치매를 앓은 외할아버지가 계신 곳이기도 하다.
내가 방문한 날은 주간보호소 송년 잔치를 하는 날이었다. 주간보호소에서 간호하는 노인분들과 친족들 그리고 자원봉사자들이 다같이 다과를 함께하며 1년간의 주간보호소 운영 및 활동에 대해 보고를 듣는 시간을 갖였다. 빠른 속도로 핵가족화와 초고령화가 함께 진행되는 우리나라에서 주간보호소의 운영은 현실적인 사회적 해결책이다. 2001년도에 발행된 '주간보호소를 이용한 노인보호에 관한 일 연구'라는 논문을 보면 주간보호소에 대한 이해를 도울 수 있다.
급속한 사회적 변화와 함께 인구통계치도 급속하게 변화하고 있다. 저출산과 초고령화는 우리가 수행해야 할 사회적 책임이자 의무이다. 단순히 이를 사회적 부담으로 여길 것이 아니라 기회로 보는 시각의 변화가 필요하다. 우리나라 뿐만 아니라 일본을 비롯한 많은 선진국들도 복지산업에 뛰어들고 있다. 현재 우리는 걸음마 수준에 불과 하지만 의료 및 정부의 지원을 바탕으로 복지산업을 키운다면 일자리 창출과 내수 진작 및 복지 서비스를 수출하는 기회가 될 것이다.

아이들과의 피자 파티 중간에 부대 종군 신부는 크리스마스에 미국 남부 지방에서는 전통적으로 햄을 먹으며 한 해의 축복을 기린다며 햄 피자를 가져온 의미를 전달했다. 이번 방문이 나에게는 3번째 방문이다. 그래서 나를 기억하는 아이들이 몇명 생겼다. 머쓱하니 먼저 인사를 해주는 아이들이 고맙다. 한 해에 우리처럼 방문하는 단체만 해도 그 수가 엄청날 텐데 자주 방문하지도 않는 나를 알아보고 그간의 자기 생활에 대해 동생처럼 조곤조곤 말하는 아이들을 보면 무심한 내가 부끄러워진다.
혜심원을 방문한 다음주에 아현동에 위치한 노인 주간보호소를 다녀왔다. 사실 어머니께서 함께 가자고 권유하셔서 이다. 어머니께서는 평소부터 노인복지에 관심을 갖다가 작년에 동남보건대학에서 노인복지사 관련 수업을 수강하신 뒤로 꾸준히 봉사를 하신다. 이곳은 뇌출혈로 치매를 앓은 외할아버지가 계신 곳이기도 하다.
내가 방문한 날은 주간보호소 송년 잔치를 하는 날이었다. 주간보호소에서 간호하는 노인분들과 친족들 그리고 자원봉사자들이 다같이 다과를 함께하며 1년간의 주간보호소 운영 및 활동에 대해 보고를 듣는 시간을 갖였다. 빠른 속도로 핵가족화와 초고령화가 함께 진행되는 우리나라에서 주간보호소의 운영은 현실적인 사회적 해결책이다. 2001년도에 발행된 '주간보호소를 이용한 노인보호에 관한 일 연구'라는 논문을 보면 주간보호소에 대한 이해를 도울 수 있다.
급속한 사회적 변화와 함께 인구통계치도 급속하게 변화하고 있다. 저출산과 초고령화는 우리가 수행해야 할 사회적 책임이자 의무이다. 단순히 이를 사회적 부담으로 여길 것이 아니라 기회로 보는 시각의 변화가 필요하다. 우리나라 뿐만 아니라 일본을 비롯한 많은 선진국들도 복지산업에 뛰어들고 있다. 현재 우리는 걸음마 수준에 불과 하지만 의료 및 정부의 지원을 바탕으로 복지산업을 키운다면 일자리 창출과 내수 진작 및 복지 서비스를 수출하는 기회가 될 것이다.
송정초등학교 English Camp
연말의 무료한 근무 중에 모니터 하단의 작은 모서리로 세로운 메일이 왔슴을 알리는 메모지가 스믈스믈 올라왔다. 대략의 내용은 강서교육청에서 주최하는 초등학교 겨울방학 영어 수업에 영어 선생님으로 카투사를 모집한다는 것이다. 간단한 자기 소개와 함께 자원을 했다. 지원대장의 입김이 작용했는지 알 수는 없지만 모집원 세 명 중의 한 명으로 내가 뽑혔다는 소식을 들었다.
지난 21일 English Camp 오리엔테이션이 있었다. 교육 장소는 용산에서 지하철로 40분 정도 떨어진 김포의 송정초등학교다. 카투사 병사 한 명은 현업에서 영어를 가르치시는 초등학교 교사 한 명과 팀을 이루어 한 반을 가르치게 된다. 강서교육청에서 제작한 영어 교재를 바탕으로 나와 파트너 선생님의 재량하에 2주간 5,6학년 기초반을 가르치게 되었다.
과거에 한국공학한림원 산하 YEHS에서 주관하는 주니어공학기술교실에서 주교사 혹은 보조교사로 과학실험을 진행해본 적이 있다. 그러나 주니어공학기술교실은 하루만 하는데 반해 이번 English Camp는 2주간 이루어진다. 그리고 과학이나 수학이라면 자신감이 있었지만 영어권 도시의 유학 경험도 없는 내가 영어를 가르치려니 조금은 걱정이 든다.
하지만 한편으로는 나를 통해 아이들에게 '나도 할 수 있다'는 자신감을 불어 넣어 줄 수 있는 좋은 동기원이 되었으면 한다. 이번 English Camp에 참여하는 아이들은 대부분 부모님의 맞벌이로 방학 동안 집에 혼자있게 되는 경우가 많다고 한다. 그래서 지역 교육청에서 지원을 하여 이와 같은 프로그램을 만들게 되었다고 한다. 아이들이 나와 함께 하는 2주 동안 영어에 재미를 붙이고 앞으로 고등 교육 기관으로 진학을 하면서 영어 공부에 매진할 수 있는 출발점이 되었으면 하는 작은 바람이다.
지난 21일 English Camp 오리엔테이션이 있었다. 교육 장소는 용산에서 지하철로 40분 정도 떨어진 김포의 송정초등학교다. 카투사 병사 한 명은 현업에서 영어를 가르치시는 초등학교 교사 한 명과 팀을 이루어 한 반을 가르치게 된다. 강서교육청에서 제작한 영어 교재를 바탕으로 나와 파트너 선생님의 재량하에 2주간 5,6학년 기초반을 가르치게 되었다.
과거에 한국공학한림원 산하 YEHS에서 주관하는 주니어공학기술교실에서 주교사 혹은 보조교사로 과학실험을 진행해본 적이 있다. 그러나 주니어공학기술교실은 하루만 하는데 반해 이번 English Camp는 2주간 이루어진다. 그리고 과학이나 수학이라면 자신감이 있었지만 영어권 도시의 유학 경험도 없는 내가 영어를 가르치려니 조금은 걱정이 든다.
하지만 한편으로는 나를 통해 아이들에게 '나도 할 수 있다'는 자신감을 불어 넣어 줄 수 있는 좋은 동기원이 되었으면 한다. 이번 English Camp에 참여하는 아이들은 대부분 부모님의 맞벌이로 방학 동안 집에 혼자있게 되는 경우가 많다고 한다. 그래서 지역 교육청에서 지원을 하여 이와 같은 프로그램을 만들게 되었다고 한다. 아이들이 나와 함께 하는 2주 동안 영어에 재미를 붙이고 앞으로 고등 교육 기관으로 진학을 하면서 영어 공부에 매진할 수 있는 출발점이 되었으면 하는 작은 바람이다.
2010년 첫번째 도전
목표: 2010년 2월 27일 진흥회 주최 한자 2급
전략: 예스이지 한자 아카데미에서 운영하는 방학 특강반을 활용한다. 주말반의 특성상 주중 시간을 활용하여 복습을 한다. 끝까지 포기하지 않고 공부를 계속할 수 있도록 LB's blog를 통해 전 주에 배운 내용을 정리하여 올린다.
이유: 범국가적인 순수 한글화 사업을 통해 이제는 신문에서도 한자를 찾기는 힘들다. 하지만 한글의 많은 단어들이 한자어를 기본으로 구성되어 있다. 그렇기 때문에 국어를 사용함에 있어 단어의 정확한 사용을 위해 한자에 대한 이해는 기초가 된다고 생각한다. 그리고 한자 문화를 기본으로 공유하는 한-중-일 3국의 협력이 나날이 증가하면서 한자의 중요성 또한 커짐을 스스로 느끼고 부족한 부분을 채우기위해 도전한다.
전략: 예스이지 한자 아카데미에서 운영하는 방학 특강반을 활용한다. 주말반의 특성상 주중 시간을 활용하여 복습을 한다. 끝까지 포기하지 않고 공부를 계속할 수 있도록 LB's blog를 통해 전 주에 배운 내용을 정리하여 올린다.
이유: 범국가적인 순수 한글화 사업을 통해 이제는 신문에서도 한자를 찾기는 힘들다. 하지만 한글의 많은 단어들이 한자어를 기본으로 구성되어 있다. 그렇기 때문에 국어를 사용함에 있어 단어의 정확한 사용을 위해 한자에 대한 이해는 기초가 된다고 생각한다. 그리고 한자 문화를 기본으로 공유하는 한-중-일 3국의 협력이 나날이 증가하면서 한자의 중요성 또한 커짐을 스스로 느끼고 부족한 부분을 채우기위해 도전한다.
8ink 제 1회 가치나눔 컨퍼런스
제 1회 가치나눔 컨퍼런스의 주제는 micromovement 였다. 8명의 Thinker들이 그들의 창의적인 생각을 하나의 작은 잉크 방울처럼 세상에 퍼트린다. 본 행사는 행사 진행자 뿐만 아니라 발표자와 청중 모두가 만들어가는 가치 나눔의 산실이었다. 나도 그 나눔의 일부가 되고자 친구와 함께 참석했다.
크리스마스와 주말이 껴있어서 적은 수의 사람들이 참석할 것이라는 예상을 뒤엎고 200명 넘는 좌석을 꽉 채웠다. 발표자들의 교육, 자연보호, 봉사 등의 가치를 나누어 가는 모습을 보며 어느새 청중들은 작은 동기부여를 받아갔다.
개인적으로 항상 많은 동기부여를 해주시는 영일이형도 만나고 영일이형을 통해 알게된 선우형의 발표를 들을 수 있어 좋은 시간이 되었다.
추가로 온오프믹스 홈페이지에서 가치나눔컨퍼런스같은 세미나를 안내해주는 위젯이 있어서 이곳으로 가져왔다.
1년 365일
1년 365일 중 토요일과 일요일은 104일이다. 대한민국 헌법에서 재정된 법정 휴일은 총 14일이다. 때때로 법정 휴일이 토요일 혹은 일요일과 겹치는 것을 고려하면 1년에 적게는 110일에서 많게는 118일 동안 휴식을 취할 수 있다. 여기다 월차 및 휴가를 포함하면 1년 중 약 3분의 1이 휴일이다.
불평 불만 그만하고 일할 수 있을 때 더 열심히 일하자.
1억년에 1초의 오차를 갖는다는 원자시계를 보면 10년 전의 하루, 오늘 하루, 그리고 10년 후의 하루는 똑같이 24시간/1440분/86400초 이다. 그러나 오늘 내딛는 한 걸음은 미래의 성취를 위한 시금석이란 것을 볼 때, 시간의 가치는 사용자의 씀씀이에 달려있는 듯하다. 20대의 하루는 40대의 한 주에 버금가는 가치가 있다.
불평 불만 그만하고 일할 수 있을 때 더 열심히 일하자.
1억년에 1초의 오차를 갖는다는 원자시계를 보면 10년 전의 하루, 오늘 하루, 그리고 10년 후의 하루는 똑같이 24시간/1440분/86400초 이다. 그러나 오늘 내딛는 한 걸음은 미래의 성취를 위한 시금석이란 것을 볼 때, 시간의 가치는 사용자의 씀씀이에 달려있는 듯하다. 20대의 하루는 40대의 한 주에 버금가는 가치가 있다.
Leccíon Dos
Lecciòn Uno
Buenos días, muchachos.
Buenos días, señora.
¿Cómo están ustedes?
Muy bien, gracias.
¿y usted?
Muy bien, gracias.


¿Cómo estás tú? - Yo estoy bien.
¿Cómo está él/ella? - Estamos muy bien.
¿Cómo estáis vosotros?
Los saludos
Buenos días, señor.
Buenas tardes.
Buenas noches.
Hasta luego. / Adiós. / Hasta pronto. / Hasta mañana.
¿Cómo le va? / ¿Qué tal?
Todo va bien.
Buenos días, señora.
¿Cómo están ustedes?
Muy bien, gracias.
¿y usted?
Muy bien, gracias.


¿Cómo estás tú? - Yo estoy bien.
¿Cómo está él/ella? - Estamos muy bien.
¿Cómo estáis vosotros?
Los saludos
Buenos días, señor.
Buenas tardes.
Buenas noches.
Hasta luego. / Adiós. / Hasta pronto. / Hasta mañana.
¿Cómo le va? / ¿Qué tal?
Todo va bien.
VocA #1
I apply for some companies. To be applicant is not easy. I prepare to submit resume. Most people include me feel apprehensive as waiting the result of a job interview. I try to show my aptitude in the management area. The companies which I apply for are associated with government service area. They ask me if I'm bilingual. Also, they require applicants to have a broad knowledge of marketing strategies. They will select at least five candidates for final interviews. That's why I submit some professional certifications to prove my talent. The company suggests proper wages. Wages will be commensurate with experience and qualifications. First of all, I need to have confidence about myself. Some of management consultants have a master's degree or even more like doctor's degree. They are eligible for additional benefits. The company announced employment opportunities in its accounts department. Executive level staff are entitled to take paid holidays. Only 5 people got through the first round of interviews. Interviewers would like to pass only for highly qualified candidates. Employees with good records will receive wage increments as an incentive. Wage increases lag considerably behind current inflation rates. I'm seeking a managerial position in the accounting field. The candidate's qualifications match the job description. Applicants must meet all the requirements for the job. One of the requirements is a minimum of three years' experience. Journalism is an interesting and challenging occupation. There are job openings on marketing area. Applications must be turned in before the deadline. Otherwise, they won't be processed in time. Paychecks are mailed out each month. Fifteen new employees were added to the payroll last month. All new employees must sign up for the national pension plan. The company will offer contracts on completion of a probationary period. Compliance with the principles of professional ethics is mandatory. Additionally, proof of proficiency in a second language is very important requirement in international companies. They'd like to select prospective applicants and make them to be qualified employees. The firm recruits promising graduates on a yearly basis. Peter asked her ex-boss to write a reference for her. All applicants will be considered regardless of ages, gender, or race. Frequent travel is a requirement of the position. Fax your resume and cover letter to the above address. Uncertified workers earn lower wages than certified staff.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
라면과 젓가락

하루는 큰 솥에 라면 4개를 팔팔 끓여서 점심을 준비하고 있었다. 요리가 끝나고 TV를 앞에 두고 테이블에 형, 엄마, 그리고 나 이렇게 셋이서 옹기종기 앉았다. 뜨거운 라면을 공격하기 위해서 3개의 무기가 준비 되었다. 두 개의 긴 플라스틱 젓가락과 한 개의 쇠 젓가락이다. 이 점을 특별하게 인식한 사람은 나 뿐인거 같다. 형과 엄마는 막 맛있게 라면을 후루룩 소리를 내며 먹기 시작했고, 나는 쇠 젓가락으로 라면 먹기에 아둥바둥 되며 막 불평을 토로하기 직전이었다. "아~! 쇠 젓가락 불편해!" 서툰 젓가락질을 연장에 심술부린 외마디가 끝나기를 기다린 듯이, 형과 엄마는 동시에 "이거써~" 하면서 사용하던 플라스틱 젓가락을 건내주었다.
음.. 왠지 모르겠지만, 난 그 순간 감동 받았다. 그냥 짠했다.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Column#2 What's up, Jr.Nut?
Mr.Nut has been stuck into a college where is surrounded with paddy fields and dry fields for 4 years. Speaking to the college, let's take a break and look through his campus life. First, Mr.Nut goes to pool for morning exercise as soon as he opens up his eyes. And then, He checks up some headlines on today's newspapers during breakfast. After the fresh start, he attends some classes followed the fixed schedule. He usually has a very quick and small lunch as moving. Instead, He sometimes hangs out with friends and goes to a fabulous restaurant. Frankly, there are no places like the fabulous, but Mr.Nut and his friends consider it's fabulous if it's over $20 for a meal. That's only their pleasure. Then, he comes back and squeezes his ass on a chair at a laboratory or a library until midnight.
Mr.Nut isn't interested watching movies, playing video games, or gabbing with bear and smoke. He used to think that's wasting time.
During seasonal vacations, Mr.Nut takes a participation to the research project or the voluntary activities for rural communities.
Mr.Nut isn't interested watching movies, playing video games, or gabbing with bear and smoke. He used to think that's wasting time.
During seasonal vacations, Mr.Nut takes a participation to the research project or the voluntary activities for rural communities.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Column#1 Mr.Nut
Snobbery is a goddamn word of the year for Mr.Nut
Mr.Nut has not recognized that he has been such a snob.
From now on, he is a snob just like he was. To celebrate snob being, Mr.Nut takes out some stories. There are tragedy and comedy in stories like Charlie Chaplin's saying.
Mr.Nut was always staying around a safety zone. That's why he never felt to fall into big frustration in his entire life. He sometimes heard naive being from others. Literary, Mr.Nut was so simple-and-honest fellow of the old form.
He was kinda a student who believes, "Yesterday's nerd is today's Gates."
If you ask when his first kiss is, he is afraid to answer it JUST happened right after graduating NOT high school, BUT college.
Of course, Mr.Nut also had a couple of blind dates, to thank his friends. Every time he didn't fail to disappoint his followers. For instance, Mr.Nut asked a Dutch treat at the first round. Worse thing is he required exactly half-and-half pay calculating down to two decimal places(What a poor Mr.Nut!). Mr.Nut got lost and wasted a full hour under the winter rain looking for a freaking normal restaurant(What a poor Mr.Nut!!). After those shame, Mr.Nut was used to be alone again.
What if he learned from Sex and the City instead of quantum mechanics? If so, would it be going worse or worse worse? Anyway, Mr.Nut just walks into cruel love game without preparedness.
Mr.Nut has not recognized that he has been such a snob.
From now on, he is a snob just like he was. To celebrate snob being, Mr.Nut takes out some stories. There are tragedy and comedy in stories like Charlie Chaplin's saying.
Life is tragedy when seen in close-up, but comedy in long-shot.
Mr.Nut was always staying around a safety zone. That's why he never felt to fall into big frustration in his entire life. He sometimes heard naive being from others. Literary, Mr.Nut was so simple-and-honest fellow of the old form.
He was kinda a student who believes, "Yesterday's nerd is today's Gates."
If you ask when his first kiss is, he is afraid to answer it JUST happened right after graduating NOT high school, BUT college.
Of course, Mr.Nut also had a couple of blind dates, to thank his friends. Every time he didn't fail to disappoint his followers. For instance, Mr.Nut asked a Dutch treat at the first round. Worse thing is he required exactly half-and-half pay calculating down to two decimal places(What a poor Mr.Nut!). Mr.Nut got lost and wasted a full hour under the winter rain looking for a freaking normal restaurant(What a poor Mr.Nut!!). After those shame, Mr.Nut was used to be alone again.
What if he learned from Sex and the City instead of quantum mechanics? If so, would it be going worse or worse worse? Anyway, Mr.Nut just walks into cruel love game without preparedness.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Rilke, Letters To A Young Poet #7
오스트리아의 시인 라이너 마리아 릴케의 젋은 시인에게 보내는 편지에서 글을 옮겨 적는다.
[사랑하는 것 또한 좋은 일입니다. 사랑 역시 어렵기 때문입니다. 사람과 사람이 서로 사랑한다는 것, 그것은 우리들에게 부과된 가장 어려운 일일지 모릅니다. 그것은 궁극적인 마지막 시련이고 시험이며 과제입니다. 그런 점에서 젊은 사람들은 아직 사랑할 능력이 없습니다. 사랑도 배워야 하니까요. 모든 노력을 기울여 고독하고 긴장하며 하늘을 향한 마음으로 사랑하는 법을 배워야 합니다. 사랑이란 사랑하는 사람을 위해 승화되고 심화된 홀로됨입니다.
사랑이란 무턱대고 덤벼들어 헌신하여 다른 사람과 하나가 된다는 뜻은 아닙니다. 그도 그럴 것이, 아직 깨닫지 못한 사람과 미완성인 사람 그리고 무원칙한 사람과의 만남이 도대체 무슨 의미가 있겠습니까? 사랑이란 자기 내부의 그 어떤 세계를 다른 사람을 위해 만들어 가는 숭고한 계기입니다. 그리고 자기 자신을 보다 넓은 세계로 이끄는 용기입니다. 사람들은 오히려 그들의 결합을 행복이라 부르고 자신들의 미래라 부르기도 합니다. 그렇게 되면 각자는 다른 사람 때문에 자기 자신까지 잃게 되며, 상대방과 또 다른 사람까지 잃게 됩니다. 그리하여 남은 것이라고는 구역질과 실망, 빈곤 뿐입니다.]
I google about Rilke, and finally find the whole text of Letters To A Young Poet posted online. I copy and paste some sentences.
[It is also good to love: because love is difficult. For one human being to love another human being: that is perhaps the most difficult task that has been entrusted to us, the ultimate task, the final test and proof, the work for which all other work is merely preparation. That is why young people, who are beginners in everything, are not yet capable of love: it is something they must learn. With their whole being, with all their forces, gathered around their solitary, anxious, upward-beating heart, they must learn to love. But learning-time is always a long, secluded time, and therefore loving, for a long time ahead and far on into life, is: solitude, a heightened and deepened kind of aloneness for the person who loves.
Loving does not at first mean merging, surrendering, and uniting with another person (for what would a union be of two people who are unclarified, unfinished, and still incoherent?), it is a high inducement for the individual to ripen, to become something in himself, to become world, to become world in himself for the sake of another person; it is a great, demanding claim on him, something that chooses him and calls him to vast distances.]
Here is the whole text of the letter from R.M. Rilke.
[사랑하는 것 또한 좋은 일입니다. 사랑 역시 어렵기 때문입니다. 사람과 사람이 서로 사랑한다는 것, 그것은 우리들에게 부과된 가장 어려운 일일지 모릅니다. 그것은 궁극적인 마지막 시련이고 시험이며 과제입니다. 그런 점에서 젊은 사람들은 아직 사랑할 능력이 없습니다. 사랑도 배워야 하니까요. 모든 노력을 기울여 고독하고 긴장하며 하늘을 향한 마음으로 사랑하는 법을 배워야 합니다. 사랑이란 사랑하는 사람을 위해 승화되고 심화된 홀로됨입니다.
사랑이란 무턱대고 덤벼들어 헌신하여 다른 사람과 하나가 된다는 뜻은 아닙니다. 그도 그럴 것이, 아직 깨닫지 못한 사람과 미완성인 사람 그리고 무원칙한 사람과의 만남이 도대체 무슨 의미가 있겠습니까? 사랑이란 자기 내부의 그 어떤 세계를 다른 사람을 위해 만들어 가는 숭고한 계기입니다. 그리고 자기 자신을 보다 넓은 세계로 이끄는 용기입니다. 사람들은 오히려 그들의 결합을 행복이라 부르고 자신들의 미래라 부르기도 합니다. 그렇게 되면 각자는 다른 사람 때문에 자기 자신까지 잃게 되며, 상대방과 또 다른 사람까지 잃게 됩니다. 그리하여 남은 것이라고는 구역질과 실망, 빈곤 뿐입니다.]
I google about Rilke, and finally find the whole text of Letters To A Young Poet posted online. I copy and paste some sentences.
[It is also good to love: because love is difficult. For one human being to love another human being: that is perhaps the most difficult task that has been entrusted to us, the ultimate task, the final test and proof, the work for which all other work is merely preparation. That is why young people, who are beginners in everything, are not yet capable of love: it is something they must learn. With their whole being, with all their forces, gathered around their solitary, anxious, upward-beating heart, they must learn to love. But learning-time is always a long, secluded time, and therefore loving, for a long time ahead and far on into life, is: solitude, a heightened and deepened kind of aloneness for the person who loves.
Loving does not at first mean merging, surrendering, and uniting with another person (for what would a union be of two people who are unclarified, unfinished, and still incoherent?), it is a high inducement for the individual to ripen, to become something in himself, to become world, to become world in himself for the sake of another person; it is a great, demanding claim on him, something that chooses him and calls him to vast distances.]
Here is the whole text of the letter from R.M. Rilke.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Never Die, the Young
I roughly translate some sentences of the book, 청춘불패.
A dream you cannot make comparing with your talent is a silly one.
There is high probability to become a debauchee if people hang around among silly dreams all the time. As I emphasize couple of times before, throw away almost every useless dreams during 20'something days.
Rather than, make a decision to devote yourself to only one dream. The dream would be well worth the effort of your whole life. The dream could make the whole people related with you being happy. If you can find the dream like this, your 20'something days should be highly appreciated.
Here is the original.
자신의 재능에 비추어 실현이 불가능한 꿈은 분명히 개꿈이다. 갈피를 못 잡고 허구헌 날 개꿈과 개꿈 사이를 오가는 사람들은 비교적 오래 백수로 살아야 할 확률이 높다.
거듭 말하거니와 이십대에는 가급적이면 잡다한 꿈들을 모두 버리고 오로지 한 가지 꿈에 순정을 바칠 결심을 하라. 평생을 바쳐도 아깝지 않은 꿈. 그대와 연관된 모든 사람들을 행복하게 만드는 꿈, 그러한 꿈 하나를 찾을 수만 있다면 그대의 이십대는 그것으로 크나큰 가치를 인정받을 수 있다.

There is high probability to become a debauchee if people hang around among silly dreams all the time. As I emphasize couple of times before, throw away almost every useless dreams during 20'something days.
Rather than, make a decision to devote yourself to only one dream. The dream would be well worth the effort of your whole life. The dream could make the whole people related with you being happy. If you can find the dream like this, your 20'something days should be highly appreciated.
Here is the original.
자신의 재능에 비추어 실현이 불가능한 꿈은 분명히 개꿈이다. 갈피를 못 잡고 허구헌 날 개꿈과 개꿈 사이를 오가는 사람들은 비교적 오래 백수로 살아야 할 확률이 높다.
거듭 말하거니와 이십대에는 가급적이면 잡다한 꿈들을 모두 버리고 오로지 한 가지 꿈에 순정을 바칠 결심을 하라. 평생을 바쳐도 아깝지 않은 꿈. 그대와 연관된 모든 사람들을 행복하게 만드는 꿈, 그러한 꿈 하나를 찾을 수만 있다면 그대의 이십대는 그것으로 크나큰 가치를 인정받을 수 있다.
Friday, November 06, 2009
우아함의 상실
지난 10월 29일 주한미국대사관 자료정보센터(IRC)/공보과에서 피아노 연주회가 있었다. 주한미국대사관은 세종로에 있지만 주한미국대사관 공보과는 남영동에 위치한다. 전화로 알아본 결과 용산 미군 부대와 붙어 있어서 근무를 마친 후 쉽게 찾아 갈 수 있었다.
이번 연주회는 한 종군기자의 희생을 기리며 전 세계의 평화를 위해 세계 곳곳에서 열리는 음악회의 하나라고 한다. 피아노 연주자는 Christopher Harding 미시간 음대 교수이다.
연주회 시작 전 다과회 때까지만 해도 무료한 하루 중에 좋은 음악을 듣고 집에 간다는 마음 가짐이었다. 하지만 소개를 받은 Harding 교수의 등장과 함께 나는 의자에 푹 눌러 앉은 내 자세를 고쳐야만 했다. Harding 교수는 피아노 연주와 함께 연주 속에 담긴 감정들에 대해 강의를 했다.
음악 강의는 중/고등 학교 때를 제외하면 전혀 없었다. 사실, 음악이란 취미를 묻는 질문에 답변하기 가장 좋은 것 중 하나일 뿐이었다. 이런 나를 제외하고는 다른 초청객들은 피아노를 좋아하는 모임 혹은 음대 학생들, 그리고 교육열에 불타는 엄마 손에 붙잡힌 아이들 이었다. Harding 교수는 피아노 연주를 한, 두 소절씩 하면서 이 음은 어떤 느낌을 들게 하는지, 무엇을 연상 시키는지 등을 묻고는 했다. 음악에 대한 무지함 때문에 완전 주눅들어 입을 꾹 닫고 있던 나도 교수의 설명과 다른 사람들의 의견을 듣다보니 어느새 그들을 공감할 수 있었다.
오스트리아의 모차르트의 음악 전반에는 우아함이 풍부한 반면, 미국의 folk music에는 fun 요소가 다분히 담겨 있다. 그리고 독일의 베토벤은 self-importance와 strength을 표현한다. 이 외에도 각국의 음악가들은 그들의 음악 속에 자국의 identity를 담고 있다. Harding 교수가 한국의 전통음악에도 조예가 깊었다면, 아리랑을 연주하고 '한(grudge)'에 대해 이야기했을 것이다.
교수가 오스트리아의 모차르트를 꺼내면서 현대 사회에서 우아함의 상실에 대해 잠깐 언급했다. 우아함? 가끔 앙 드레 김 선생님께서 말씀하시는 그 Elegance 말이다.
한때 Elegance는 사치며 과시의 일종으로 여겨지던 때가 있었다. 요즘 같이 자신 만의 style이 중시되며 Edge와 Sexy가 공중파를 타며 우리의 눈을 현혹시키는 세상에서 Elegangce라니 조금은 역시대적 발상인가 싶기도 하다.
그러나 Elegance는 부잣집 마님의 사치스러운 모피코트에서만 나오는 것은 아니다. 우리네 삶에서 품위와 정중함 등에서 Elegance의 의미를 조명하고 싶다. 온라인 상에서 맺고 끊어지는 수많은 관계 속에서 Elegance를 구현하고 싶다.
Elegance를 사치의 하나로 바라보면 비용적 요소만을 고려한 것이다. 하지만, 소비자의 욕구 중 Elegance를 원하는 부분을 긁어주면 Elegance는 신 사업의 idea가 된다.
이번 연주회는 한 종군기자의 희생을 기리며 전 세계의 평화를 위해 세계 곳곳에서 열리는 음악회의 하나라고 한다. 피아노 연주자는 Christopher Harding 미시간 음대 교수이다.
연주회 시작 전 다과회 때까지만 해도 무료한 하루 중에 좋은 음악을 듣고 집에 간다는 마음 가짐이었다. 하지만 소개를 받은 Harding 교수의 등장과 함께 나는 의자에 푹 눌러 앉은 내 자세를 고쳐야만 했다. Harding 교수는 피아노 연주와 함께 연주 속에 담긴 감정들에 대해 강의를 했다.
음악 강의는 중/고등 학교 때를 제외하면 전혀 없었다. 사실, 음악이란 취미를 묻는 질문에 답변하기 가장 좋은 것 중 하나일 뿐이었다. 이런 나를 제외하고는 다른 초청객들은 피아노를 좋아하는 모임 혹은 음대 학생들, 그리고 교육열에 불타는 엄마 손에 붙잡힌 아이들 이었다. Harding 교수는 피아노 연주를 한, 두 소절씩 하면서 이 음은 어떤 느낌을 들게 하는지, 무엇을 연상 시키는지 등을 묻고는 했다. 음악에 대한 무지함 때문에 완전 주눅들어 입을 꾹 닫고 있던 나도 교수의 설명과 다른 사람들의 의견을 듣다보니 어느새 그들을 공감할 수 있었다.
오스트리아의 모차르트의 음악 전반에는 우아함이 풍부한 반면, 미국의 folk music에는 fun 요소가 다분히 담겨 있다. 그리고 독일의 베토벤은 self-importance와 strength을 표현한다. 이 외에도 각국의 음악가들은 그들의 음악 속에 자국의 identity를 담고 있다. Harding 교수가 한국의 전통음악에도 조예가 깊었다면, 아리랑을 연주하고 '한(grudge)'에 대해 이야기했을 것이다.
교수가 오스트리아의 모차르트를 꺼내면서 현대 사회에서 우아함의 상실에 대해 잠깐 언급했다. 우아함? 가끔 앙 드레 김 선생님께서 말씀하시는 그 Elegance 말이다.
한때 Elegance는 사치며 과시의 일종으로 여겨지던 때가 있었다. 요즘 같이 자신 만의 style이 중시되며 Edge와 Sexy가 공중파를 타며 우리의 눈을 현혹시키는 세상에서 Elegangce라니 조금은 역시대적 발상인가 싶기도 하다.
그러나 Elegance는 부잣집 마님의 사치스러운 모피코트에서만 나오는 것은 아니다. 우리네 삶에서 품위와 정중함 등에서 Elegance의 의미를 조명하고 싶다. 온라인 상에서 맺고 끊어지는 수많은 관계 속에서 Elegance를 구현하고 싶다.
Elegance를 사치의 하나로 바라보면 비용적 요소만을 고려한 것이다. 하지만, 소비자의 욕구 중 Elegance를 원하는 부분을 긁어주면 Elegance는 신 사업의 idea가 된다.
Sunday, October 11, 2009

I feel sympathy with this Q. Actually, I'm also wondering if I live at 200Q, not 2009. After 10 years, 20 years, and a far years later I will look back on the present. I'm not sure what I will do. I thought the ideal and the real are divided by joining army. After ETS, everything around me will be changed. So, I need to prepare the future. It's time to look down on the compass of life.
Balance between Work and Family

There are a lot of reasons concerning the low birth rate. Most of all, child rearing is getting more difficult. That's the obvious reason. As the list of 100 best companies to work for 2007, almost one-third of the best companies offer on onsite child-care center. Here is the rank.
In many ways, however, Korean companies need to consider about employee's family. The balance of between Work and Family is hot issue, but it's getting more important than before.
I wish WorknFamily will be the leading company in employee's wealth area. Here is some recommendation. First of all, the core capability of consulting firm is the professionalism in their business. They need to proof that they have the best solution. Second, building network with clients is also important. If they succeed to make a buzz with open seminars or brunch meetings, it's really helpful to take the initiative. Finally, they should take proper position in the industry ladder.
English with Jennifer
At work, my supervisor and 1SG sometimes felt frustrated in conversation with me. Worse, it's happened in conversation by telephone. Whenever we don't make ourselves understood in English, I'm also frustrated and ashamed of poor language skill. However, I don't give it up because I can learn from faults and develop to success next time.
Even though I've studied English almost for 10 years, I began to speak English 3 years ago when I went to study at TU-Berlin, German as an exchange student. I think using language is more important than learning. I tried to learn several language such as Germany, Italian, Chinese, and Spanish. After a few weeks, I forgot almost. From this experience, I swear most important is to keep using foreign languages after learning it.
Following this view, I got great lucky because I still have 11 months more to conduct military duty as KATUSA. As using English, I practice English with many materials. I prepare multimedia rather than books.
I'd like to introduce my online English tutor, Jennifer. Here is one of her works.
Like this, she uploads videos of quality English lessons. Practice makes perfect.
Even though I've studied English almost for 10 years, I began to speak English 3 years ago when I went to study at TU-Berlin, German as an exchange student. I think using language is more important than learning. I tried to learn several language such as Germany, Italian, Chinese, and Spanish. After a few weeks, I forgot almost. From this experience, I swear most important is to keep using foreign languages after learning it.
Following this view, I got great lucky because I still have 11 months more to conduct military duty as KATUSA. As using English, I practice English with many materials. I prepare multimedia rather than books.
I'd like to introduce my online English tutor, Jennifer. Here is one of her works.
Like this, she uploads videos of quality English lessons. Practice makes perfect.
TOEFLtv on YouTube
Following the definition of wikipedia, the Test of English as a Foreign Language (or TOEFL, pronounced "toe-full") evaluates the ability of an individual to use and understand English in an academic setting. It sometimes is an admission requirement for non-native English speakers at many English-speaking colleges and universities. The TOEFL test is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS) and is administered worldwide.
That's why so many students who would like to go aboard for studying in English speaking countries try to get high score of TOEFL. These day, I'm also considering about taking the test because of same reason. I happened to find that ETS is launching TOEFLtv on YouTube. Here is a piece of cake.
Everyone can share their know-how of learning English through TOEFLtv. Besides, I think it's really good what you can listen English with various foreign intonations. It helps you experience a meeting with world-wide business partners.
That's why so many students who would like to go aboard for studying in English speaking countries try to get high score of TOEFL. These day, I'm also considering about taking the test because of same reason. I happened to find that ETS is launching TOEFLtv on YouTube. Here is a piece of cake.
Everyone can share their know-how of learning English through TOEFLtv. Besides, I think it's really good what you can listen English with various foreign intonations. It helps you experience a meeting with world-wide business partners.
Friday, October 02, 2009, ChinaTube
Among Jim Rogers' best advice,
I happened to visit, which is Chinese video portal like YouTube.
Master more than one language - and make sure one of them is MandarinHe always emphasizes two things, those are commodity and China.
I happened to visit, which is Chinese video portal like YouTube.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Seoul Metro Cut-Man, instead Push-Man
Between the end of 1980s and the beginning of 1990s, Korean economic was on a fast track. Korea growth rate made two digits. At that time, Korean rapid-rapid(빨리빨리) custom began famous in the world.
The rapid custom made some weird jobs. One of those is push-man who push people into a train. Seoul Metro used to hire push-man in order to load more people at one time. As the GDP is growing on the stable state, people is going to have my cars. Soon, push-man faded away into history.
In proportion as Korea stands up on the threshold of developed country, people begin to consider quality of life. Seoul Metro sets security screen doors at subway stations to protect from missing someone's step. However, rapid custom is not disappeared.
People try to go through security screen doors just closed and get an accident. Because of the security problem, Seoul Metro have to bite the bullet and hire cut-man, instead of push-man 1990s. Someone is glad to hear this news concerning employment.
However, I don't agree with that. First of all, subway cut-man relates to a problem of labor flexibility. Professor Chang, Ha-Joon(장하준), author of Kicking away the Ladder said labor flexibility make more irregular jobs. Dr. Chang noticed that many irregular positions in service industry are a far away from productivity. Second, Seoul metro should have tried to design Nudge in order that people stop to take risk instead a cut-man. Cut-man could be helpful to decrease accidents in a shot term, but in a long term setting Nudge decrease cost as well accidents. In conclusion, cut-man is an evidence of social disorder.

In proportion as Korea stands up on the threshold of developed country, people begin to consider quality of life. Seoul Metro sets security screen doors at subway stations to protect from missing someone's step. However, rapid custom is not disappeared.

However, I don't agree with that. First of all, subway cut-man relates to a problem of labor flexibility. Professor Chang, Ha-Joon(장하준), author of Kicking away the Ladder said labor flexibility make more irregular jobs. Dr. Chang noticed that many irregular positions in service industry are a far away from productivity. Second, Seoul metro should have tried to design Nudge in order that people stop to take risk instead a cut-man. Cut-man could be helpful to decrease accidents in a shot term, but in a long term setting Nudge decrease cost as well accidents. In conclusion, cut-man is an evidence of social disorder.
Tong Yang Securities Come Ture My Proposal
I wrote a proposal concerning a salary of ROK soldiers at a business course, spring semester 2008. No one supported my proposal, even my team members didn't think of it seriously.
Here is a summary slide of the proposal.
After 1 year, Tong Yang Securities(동양증권) launches a CMA bankbook for soldiers. I'm happy to read that news. This CMA is not exactly same with my original proposal, but this shows me one kind of realistic results.
Here is a summary slide of the proposal.
Dinner in the Sky
Almost 3 years ago, a marketing professor had an open seminar. On the end of the seminar, the professor said that there is experience beyond service. And she showed this video.
It was quite interesting for me that I could remember the name of company, Dinner In The Sky. They have expanded their business area. They transform themselves as the events in the sky such as meeting, marriage, concert, and so on. I guess that some day people will invest the real estate in the sky.
Like this company, there are a lot of business items in experience industry. For example, there are trekking, scuba diving, space trip, and internship program. Actually, we experience everything by seeing, hearing, speaking, smelling, and touching. It means we can dig out hidden experience items as long as we keep trying. I see unlimited potential in experience area. However, make sure that developing items entirely differ from fiding items.
It was quite interesting for me that I could remember the name of company, Dinner In The Sky. They have expanded their business area. They transform themselves as the events in the sky such as meeting, marriage, concert, and so on. I guess that some day people will invest the real estate in the sky.
Like this company, there are a lot of business items in experience industry. For example, there are trekking, scuba diving, space trip, and internship program. Actually, we experience everything by seeing, hearing, speaking, smelling, and touching. It means we can dig out hidden experience items as long as we keep trying. I see unlimited potential in experience area. However, make sure that developing items entirely differ from fiding items.
Goolge Keep Feeding YouTube
Jessi Hempel wrote a column, Google (Still) Loves YouTube on Fortune. After reading it, I'd like to share.
Despite a barrier YouTube faced up to(I mentioned it before, click here), Google keep investing into YouTube. Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, regards Youtube as a data company, not a media company. Just like AdSense, they try to connect a video with advertisement by using an indirect way as well a direct way. For example, Some days later, it's going to happen that when people will watch how to cook a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving day in Youtube, some kitchen products company would advertise their products.
These days, the barrier between online videos and TV channels doesn't matter. Both of them will be showed on a same device such as TVs, computer monitors, and even cell phone in a couple of years. And then, people will try to search and watch what they need, not just wait until broadcasting stations send it. Finally, YouTube will be a cash cow for Google.
Despite a barrier YouTube faced up to(I mentioned it before, click here), Google keep investing into YouTube. Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, regards Youtube as a data company, not a media company. Just like AdSense, they try to connect a video with advertisement by using an indirect way as well a direct way. For example, Some days later, it's going to happen that when people will watch how to cook a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving day in Youtube, some kitchen products company would advertise their products.
These days, the barrier between online videos and TV channels doesn't matter. Both of them will be showed on a same device such as TVs, computer monitors, and even cell phone in a couple of years. And then, people will try to search and watch what they need, not just wait until broadcasting stations send it. Finally, YouTube will be a cash cow for Google.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Embed Google Map
As one method of embedding creative thinking on your blog, there is a Google Maps API, Application Programming Interface. Google created the Google Maps API to allow developers to integrate Google Maps into their websites with their own data points.
For example, Stephane MOT embeded his own map on his blog, Seoul Village to introduce some locations. This map is kept updating.
Here is his map.
View Seoul Village in a larger map
For example, Stephane MOT embeded his own map on his blog, Seoul Village to introduce some locations. This map is kept updating.
Here is his map.
View Seoul Village in a larger map
The Year of the NCO
I have been one personnel of the Non-commissioned officer, NCO groups as the CPL, since this July. When I had promotional ceremony, I did not consider that my state would change. However, that is wrong thought. After attaching an insignia of CPL on my ACU, a supervisor requires me to take care about a junior KATUSA. For example, a supervisor brought me to account for a junior KATUSA’s mistake. I think a supervisor tried to ask me responsibility at that time. It was hard for me to correct somebody’s fault, because I was afraid of ruining a good relationship with them. Also, I was not used to speak out. However, I had to do that as NCO. At that time, I first understood how NCO is a tough position. Then, I realized what the NCO is in a group with the wisdom of hindsight. From my experience, I start to reconsider about the position of NCO.
NCO is the backbone of the Army organization. In the human body, the backbone is the part of giving a body its main strength. According that meaning, NCO groups organize the Army and support it from bottom to top. They help the official groups and take care about junior soldiers. What the Army has the great NCO groups is meaning that they can conduct their duties with good effectiveness and high efficiency.
However, to be a good NCO is a far different from to be a NCO. NCO personally should set an example to their inferiors and themselves. Their good example improves the morale and shames their inferiors into working hard. Otherwise, their bad example destroys the military spirit and makes the inferiors commit an error without feeling guilty. Therefore, the Army established the title ‘The Year of the NCO’ in order to encourage and motivate each personnel in NCO groups. ‘The Year of the NCO’ is the title for the best NCO in the unit. However, I think the title is not for one best NCO, but all NCO themselves. All of NCO members need to take pride themselves as ‘The Year of the NCO.’ Therefore, they who have pride as ‘The Year of the NCO’ should conduct right things even without watchers.
NCO is the backbone of the Army organization. In the human body, the backbone is the part of giving a body its main strength. According that meaning, NCO groups organize the Army and support it from bottom to top. They help the official groups and take care about junior soldiers. What the Army has the great NCO groups is meaning that they can conduct their duties with good effectiveness and high efficiency.
However, to be a good NCO is a far different from to be a NCO. NCO personally should set an example to their inferiors and themselves. Their good example improves the morale and shames their inferiors into working hard. Otherwise, their bad example destroys the military spirit and makes the inferiors commit an error without feeling guilty. Therefore, the Army established the title ‘The Year of the NCO’ in order to encourage and motivate each personnel in NCO groups. ‘The Year of the NCO’ is the title for the best NCO in the unit. However, I think the title is not for one best NCO, but all NCO themselves. All of NCO members need to take pride themselves as ‘The Year of the NCO.’ Therefore, they who have pride as ‘The Year of the NCO’ should conduct right things even without watchers.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Differentiated your business from Ordinary

Google made a difficult code to break and attached the post on the wall of M.I.T.
No one knows what the answer is until now, but someone guess the answer to the code implies information of a personnel section. Here is full text.
However, I see the code with another focus. Google made buzz with the code. Just like Seth Godin's saying, Google transform their wanted by being remarkable. It's enough to make attentions from greasy grinds. They have a surprising intellectual curiosity to know everything they can. Also, they have a strong competitive spirit. Therefor, it's working out to hire the talent that Google try to show them a hard nut to crack.
Weekly BIZ

However, I'd like to recommend both business and economic sections on Chosun Ilbo. That's the Weekly BIZ. They make interview with the big name, such as CEOs and scholars using their brand power.
These day, Weekly BIZ launches the management consultation online office. 18 global professional coaches contribute to the online office. There are Philip Kotler, Orit Gadiesh, Don Tapscott, Tim Harford, and more. Here are detail profiles of them.
Here is a WeeklyBiz Feed. I added it on RSS reader and keep watching it. Let me review some articles later.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Susie Yoo, Head Hunter
The faster going into knowledge-base-industry, the more important recruiting the talent. Even some leading companies don't use a word 'recruiting' any more, but 'acquisition'. Here is my piece of writing to the readers' column of POSTECH TIMES. After this contributing, ironically Leman Brothers filed for bankruptcy protection under chapter 11 of the bankruptcy code, on 15 Sep 2008.
Anyhow, as many companies feel thirsty to find the talent fitting their company, the professional service firms in HR area are going to be busy.
In many career consulting firms, I focused on You&Partners Inc. run by Susie Yoo(유순신). She is an established head hunter magnate. She took a part of big projects related with a multinational enterprise, a large domestic corporation, and a public institution. I first knew there is CEO who is consulting another CEOs with the book, 나는 희망을 스카우트 한다(I'm scouting hope). She suggests how to make your career remarkably using her stories on the book.
Here is a interview video with Mrs. Yoo.
In conclusion, I'd like to post her suggestion about the 11 Requirements to be Global Standard.
1. Great communication skill
2. Expertise in one's own area
3. Flexible think and mild interpersonal relationship
4. Don't hesitate to invest oneself
5. Building international networking
6. Finishing duty with integrity and responsibility
7. Fast decision maker between yes and no
8. Collecting information and using it proactively
9. Disciplining oneself without limit
10. Regarding oneself like owner
11. Conducting on the same pace with speed of thinking
Anyhow, as many companies feel thirsty to find the talent fitting their company, the professional service firms in HR area are going to be busy.

Here is a interview video with Mrs. Yoo.
In conclusion, I'd like to post her suggestion about the 11 Requirements to be Global Standard.
1. Great communication skill
2. Expertise in one's own area
3. Flexible think and mild interpersonal relationship
4. Don't hesitate to invest oneself
5. Building international networking
6. Finishing duty with integrity and responsibility
7. Fast decision maker between yes and no
8. Collecting information and using it proactively
9. Disciplining oneself without limit
10. Regarding oneself like owner
11. Conducting on the same pace with speed of thinking
Steve Kim, Most Successful Asian American

However, I was wrong. I was just a big fish in a little pond. In a few googling, I realize Steve Kim was chairman and CEO of Xylan Corporation(Here are some articles from LA Times) and he ranked the 9th on the America's 100 Top Asian Entrepreneurs.
Now he devotes himself to social welfare service for developing countries including the north Korea. Besides, he runs the scholarship foundation, Dream Hope Future.
I see Steve Kim as the great role model I want to follow. Although he had begun from the scratch, he has achieved success. And he doesn't forget to express his gratitude to the world. In conclusion, I don't believe God, but if somebody get mount on the top of the ladder those people would know they are selected to conduct the great duty. Steve Kim knows he is one of them.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Fortune Korea Launching

I chose Fortune Korea as my first management magazine. I will review and post up some of articles in Fortune Korea.
History of Behavioral Economics
Below is my presentation, which I made using new software from Prezi. It was a little bit difficult than my thought, but after adapting myself to new software it would be fine.
Just click within the screen and advance to the next slide.
Also, I embed my first recording result powered by Sun,Hyunwoo from LanguageCast MultiLingua on 15Jan.
If you want to listen more from other people, please click here.
Just click within the screen and advance to the next slide.
Click here to see the presentation full-screen.
Here is my presentation script at LanguageCast MultiLingua.Also, I embed my first recording result powered by Sun,Hyunwoo from LanguageCast MultiLingua on 15Jan.
If you want to listen more from other people, please click here.
Learning Korean
Sun, Hyunwoo is one of my awesome motivators. He runs some blogs and websites. Someday in 3 years ago, a senior recommended Hyunwoo's blog Taking this opportunity, I began to keep watching him. When I first visited his blog, he had interesting about learning foreign languages like Japanese, Chinese, as well as English. He has bloged what he learn, how to learn foreign languages, and even how to live in web2.0 ecosystem. Now he is named as 2008 power blog by NAVER, the first search engine company in Korea. He started from scratch, but he achieves good. And he keep running to great.
Here is his self-introduction in youtube.
Also here is website's list run by Mr.Sun.
Mr.Sun uploads podcasts of learning Korean as second language for foreigners. If you want to learn Korean daily, you need to subscribe his podcast.
Mr.Sun and his friends take and upload some photos on Korean streets. They don't try to disguise the street photos in fancy like a typical tour magazine. Instead, they show the real Korea.
Mr.Sun makes multi languages group. They meet together every Friday's night at Sinchon and record their voice in multi languages.
Here is his self-introduction in youtube.
Also here is website's list run by Mr.Sun.
Mr.Sun uploads podcasts of learning Korean as second language for foreigners. If you want to learn Korean daily, you need to subscribe his podcast.
Mr.Sun and his friends take and upload some photos on Korean streets. They don't try to disguise the street photos in fancy like a typical tour magazine. Instead, they show the real Korea.
Mr.Sun makes multi languages group. They meet together every Friday's night at Sinchon and record their voice in multi languages.
Monday, September 14, 2009
[Interview] Richard Thaler
A month ago, I read some books about behavior economics include "Nudge - Richard Thaler & Cass Sunstein" that becomes hot book now because the President of S.Korea Lee, Myung Bak recommended it to staffs of the Blue House.
Here is my review of the book. When I bloged it, I had a question
As backing to the question, we need to know when Nudge is really necessary. I found the answer of the question from the interview with Richard Thaler.
He said it depends on the complexity of the problem. For example, here is a simple problem like which apple has better taste. We can easily find the way to get solution. However, here is a much difficult problem like which medical surgery is better for me? Unless we have some knowledge in the medical area, it's really hard problem. Like this medical problem, there are some complex problems that is happened barely sometime and have no enough feedback to make learning effect. At solving this kind of problems, we need nudge.
Here is the full text of interview from the Chosun Ilbo.
Here is my review of the book. When I bloged it, I had a question
'When Nudge works effectively and efficiently?'When the choice architect like government design nice nudge in order to make people move on their way, it should take cost. So, there is trade off between cost of designing nudge and value from designed nudge. That's reason why we cannot use nudge everytime.
As backing to the question, we need to know when Nudge is really necessary. I found the answer of the question from the interview with Richard Thaler.
He said it depends on the complexity of the problem. For example, here is a simple problem like which apple has better taste. We can easily find the way to get solution. However, here is a much difficult problem like which medical surgery is better for me? Unless we have some knowledge in the medical area, it's really hard problem. Like this medical problem, there are some complex problems that is happened barely sometime and have no enough feedback to make learning effect. At solving this kind of problems, we need nudge.
Here is the full text of interview from the Chosun Ilbo.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Embed Creative Thinking
When the google opened the google earth service, people were stunned by enabling to see the earth on God's view. Furthermore, people go crazy as the google share the source of the map for FREE.
From now on, there are many variation of the google earth customized each one's needs. For example, some want to pin their nationwide chicken franchise on the map. They embed some codes about the location of chicken shops on the open source of the google earth. We call it API, Appilcation Progamming Interface.
By using API, unskillful people also can make their own program after a little discipline. API change the world. It's a great tool to encourage people to express their creative thinking.
Here are two websites offering fancy goods for your blog:
We call the fancy goods widget or gadget. Based on the dictionary, a gadget means a small machine or device which does something useful. You sometimes refer to something as a gadget when you are suggesting that it is complicated and unnecessary. The definition of a widget is nothing different with that of a gadget.
People make a widget, and share it with many and unspecified persons for advertisement, volunteer, or even just fun. Besides, some groups use a widget for making money. I'm also adding some of those on my blog.
First enjoy it, sencond embed our creative thinking in a widget. Furthermore, it will spread around. Therefore, we can share our creative thinking.
From now on, there are many variation of the google earth customized each one's needs. For example, some want to pin their nationwide chicken franchise on the map. They embed some codes about the location of chicken shops on the open source of the google earth. We call it API, Appilcation Progamming Interface.
By using API, unskillful people also can make their own program after a little discipline. API change the world. It's a great tool to encourage people to express their creative thinking.
Here are two websites offering fancy goods for your blog:
We call the fancy goods widget or gadget. Based on the dictionary, a gadget means a small machine or device which does something useful. You sometimes refer to something as a gadget when you are suggesting that it is complicated and unnecessary. The definition of a widget is nothing different with that of a gadget.
People make a widget, and share it with many and unspecified persons for advertisement, volunteer, or even just fun. Besides, some groups use a widget for making money. I'm also adding some of those on my blog.
First enjoy it, sencond embed our creative thinking in a widget. Furthermore, it will spread around. Therefore, we can share our creative thinking.
The Snowball

"Life is like a snowball. The important thing is finding wet snow and a really long hill"I'm amazed and excited at the volume of the book, more than 900 pages. It takes a couple of weeks to read through the book. There is, however, my EVEREST I have to overcome.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Platform Thinking
I usually don't like a middleman, especially I hate a real estate broker. They are the typical example of becoming moral hazard easily in the information asymmetry.
I understand that the middleman has information capability connecting with both seller and buyer, besides they are important information hubs. However, they are impatient of sharing their data because they are afraid of losing their dominant position. That's reason why they're easy to fall into greed for dominating.
Their fears are groundless. The world is changing. Our problems is much more complicate and fussier than before. It's hard to solve those problems by one brain. According to Wikinomics, people would like to contribute to the community.
Collaborationism blow up now.
At this state, what the middleman should do? Should they adhere to the old way keeping barrier or change to open it?
Here is a good example, instead of answering. connects companies, academic institutions, public sector and non-profit organizations, all hungry for breakthrough innovation, with a global network of more than 180,000 of the world's brightest minds on the world's first Open Innovation Marketplace.
That's the platform thinking. Innocentive read both opportunity and risk on open innovation marketplace. But, they succeed in their business model by enabling solvers to receive professional recognition and financial awards for solving R&D challenges. It also works for ensuring organization sharing their difficult question to get a right answer. Innocentive satisfy both side with incentive and assurance.
Go back to the middleman problem. There are the billion of middleman on the whole kind of area. It means there are potential marketplaces if the middleman share their data to the public. Instead of commision, the middleman will get an advanced data from a bunch of traffic. The middleman can make higher value by processing the advanced data. I call it the value-up strategy.
I understand that the middleman has information capability connecting with both seller and buyer, besides they are important information hubs. However, they are impatient of sharing their data because they are afraid of losing their dominant position. That's reason why they're easy to fall into greed for dominating.
Their fears are groundless. The world is changing. Our problems is much more complicate and fussier than before. It's hard to solve those problems by one brain. According to Wikinomics, people would like to contribute to the community.
Collaborationism blow up now.
At this state, what the middleman should do? Should they adhere to the old way keeping barrier or change to open it?
Here is a good example, instead of answering. connects companies, academic institutions, public sector and non-profit organizations, all hungry for breakthrough innovation, with a global network of more than 180,000 of the world's brightest minds on the world's first Open Innovation Marketplace.
That's the platform thinking. Innocentive read both opportunity and risk on open innovation marketplace. But, they succeed in their business model by enabling solvers to receive professional recognition and financial awards for solving R&D challenges. It also works for ensuring organization sharing their difficult question to get a right answer. Innocentive satisfy both side with incentive and assurance.
Go back to the middleman problem. There are the billion of middleman on the whole kind of area. It means there are potential marketplaces if the middleman share their data to the public. Instead of commision, the middleman will get an advanced data from a bunch of traffic. The middleman can make higher value by processing the advanced data. I call it the value-up strategy.
The Art of War
The art of war(손자병법) is a Chinese military treatise that was written by Sun Tzu(손무) in the 6th century BC. The Art of War is one of the oldest and most successful books on military strategy in the world.
As focusing that Sun Tzu tried to figure out an optimum solution under many constraints like a food capacity and a number of soldiers, we call the Art of War "Operations research" in modern science terminology. But, Sun Tzu didn't focus on the tactics, also on person's mental attitude conducting a war.
If you know your enemy and yourself, you can win every battle.This is one piece of his Analects. As he said, he always emphasize military intelligence.
As focusing that Sun Tzu tried to figure out an optimum solution under many constraints like a food capacity and a number of soldiers, we call the Art of War "Operations research" in modern science terminology. But, Sun Tzu didn't focus on the tactics, also on person's mental attitude conducting a war.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Compass of Zen
My parents are believers in Buddhism. I went to a preschool run by a small Buddhist temple. I learned not regular courses like Hangeul(the Korean Alphabet), simple counting, and manners, but also Buddhist culture like the tea cult, meditation, and the way of bow politely.
I'd like to go Hwagyesa where my family go to. Like a normal temple, Hwagyesa also nestles in the valley, Samgak Mountin. I enjoyed to take a path through a forest, smell a moist wood, and listen the sound of running water. When I was a boy, I regarded the temple as a playground.

Here is the name of Zen centers which Seung Sahn founded:
The Dharma Zen Center in Los Angeles, the Choqye International Zen Center and the Empty Gate Zen Center in New York City, and the Providence Zen Center in Cumberland.
Both of monks, Seung Sahn and Hyon Gak, wrote a book, The Compass of Zen(선의 나침반1,2)
They tried to explain about Hinayana Buddhism(소승불교), Mahayana Buddhism(대승불교), and Zen Buddhism(선불교) in a luminous remark. But it maybe still hard to understand to a novice because of an irrelevant answer.
When googling about Zen, there are definition and a bunch of links and data. Those are right. And those are not right. There is Zen. But, Zen is empty. There is not Zen.
I'm still confused, but only I don't know.
Seung Sahn didn't say what is Zen. But, he just snap down his table with a BANG!
Stunning Presentaion Tool
Below is Jeff Jarvis’ presentation, which he made using new software from Prezi. Just click within the screen and advance to the next slide.
Click here to see the presentation full-screen.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Sigmund Freud

I read two books about psychoanalysis. One is a Korean version of the interpretation of dreams(꿈의 해석 in Korean), the masterpiece of Sigmund Freud, translated by Lee Hwan and the other is the conversation with Sigmund Freud(프로이트와의 대화) written by Lee Chang Jae.
Today, many of scientists and scholars acknowledge Freud's works and admire his effort. However his life didn't run in a groove when he conducted researches.
After looking through his story and recognizing his work, I think he is also one of the paradigm shifter like Galileo Galilei found the Copernican theory, Darwin found the evolution theory, and Einstein found the principle of relativity.
When he set up the psychoanalysis, the society couldn't admit his theory. Because of strong religious atmosphere and ethical custom, some of his theory couldn't be accepted. But he never frustrate. Rather, he keep working hard on his way, and finally he established the psychoanalysis.
Today, many of scientists and scholars acknowledge Freud's works and admire his effort. However his life didn't run in a groove when he conducted researches.
After looking through his story and recognizing his work, I think he is also one of the paradigm shifter like Galileo Galilei found the Copernican theory, Darwin found the evolution theory, and Einstein found the principle of relativity.
When he set up the psychoanalysis, the society couldn't admit his theory. Because of strong religious atmosphere and ethical custom, some of his theory couldn't be accepted. But he never frustrate. Rather, he keep working hard on his way, and finally he established the psychoanalysis.
Marketing Strategy keep Evolving
After reading WWGD(Here is a realated story), I add Jeff Jarvis' blog, on my google reader. I get inspiration from his insight.
He introduced the new book, The Chaos Scenario, on his blog. Bob Garfield, the author of the book, said that traditional media and marketing are going to collapse, and so we need to prepare in a digitally connected, Post-Media age.
By the way, he does not suggest some idea on the book, but also show how it works.
He designs a cool widget enabling purchase, I'll embed it here:
Actually, this is not my first time observing this kind of book promotion. One of the my favorite masters, Seth Godin used viral marketing strategy when he published his book Purple Cow.
His strategy made a great hit that Purple Cow was ranked on even before publishing.
Just like Seth Godin's word
After publishing Purple Cow at 2003, almost 6 years have passed. Times change, and Marketing Strategy keep evolving.
He introduced the new book, The Chaos Scenario, on his blog. Bob Garfield, the author of the book, said that traditional media and marketing are going to collapse, and so we need to prepare in a digitally connected, Post-Media age.
By the way, he does not suggest some idea on the book, but also show how it works.
He designs a cool widget enabling purchase, I'll embed it here:
Actually, this is not my first time observing this kind of book promotion. One of the my favorite masters, Seth Godin used viral marketing strategy when he published his book Purple Cow.
His strategy made a great hit that Purple Cow was ranked on even before publishing.
Just like Seth Godin's word
"Transform your business by being remarkable",Bob Garfield transform viral marketing by using widget, it's fully remarkable.
After publishing Purple Cow at 2003, almost 6 years have passed. Times change, and Marketing Strategy keep evolving.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Darwinism To Business, and YOU
Fortune 500 publishes the annual ranking of America's largest corporations. Here is the list from 1955 to 2009. The ranking of top 100 is not too many changed, but there is a little fluctuation. When the dinosaur company show up on the list for a decade, no one expect they're going to collapse.
However, it is truth that after sunrise, there is sunset. As looking through and comparing the list year-by-year, you can figure out who is going upward and who is going downward.
According to Charles R. Darwin who is famous for the Origin of the Species, what the last survives is not the strong, but the adaptation. Some dinosaur companies which once ruled the the world fail to read the change.
There are a few reasons. Some of them rested on their laurels, or other went to too far away from their capability because of greed.
Darwinism could be applied to personal career, too. The mass of niches control the world these days. Each person is able to have their brand power by using various PR tool.
Let me think,,
However, it is truth that after sunrise, there is sunset. As looking through and comparing the list year-by-year, you can figure out who is going upward and who is going downward.
According to Charles R. Darwin who is famous for the Origin of the Species, what the last survives is not the strong, but the adaptation. Some dinosaur companies which once ruled the the world fail to read the change.
There are a few reasons. Some of them rested on their laurels, or other went to too far away from their capability because of greed.
Darwinism could be applied to personal career, too. The mass of niches control the world these days. Each person is able to have their brand power by using various PR tool.
Let me think,,
How often reintroduce myself?
Friday, August 21, 2009
They launched something, But..
I just knew POSTECH launched service offering the video of open lecture on their media website. This is
However,, I'm afraid to say that's suck... it doesn't mean they are really suck. I think they could be better, and should be. But they've been not yet, even though they could afford to be cool.
I know they have high quality open lectures, forums run by a various research centers, and notable faculties. Most of all, they have the great reputaion for top-notch science school.
For example, the university has grown into an institution that is known for its research and its professors have written an average of 4.4 SCI (Science Citation Index) research papers per professor in 2005. Earnings from research conducted at POSTECH total 435 million won ($370,000) per faculty a year ,according to Koreaherald 15Mar2007. Article 1:POSTECH Spent Most Money on Students [The Chosun Ilbo 23Sep2008], Article 2: Kaist takes back No. 1 spot from Postech in rankings[JoongAng Daily 29Sep2008]
That's reason why they can afford to gather good enough videos more. They need to live up to their reputation.
However,, I'm afraid to say that's suck... it doesn't mean they are really suck. I think they could be better, and should be. But they've been not yet, even though they could afford to be cool.
I know they have high quality open lectures, forums run by a various research centers, and notable faculties. Most of all, they have the great reputaion for top-notch science school.
For example, the university has grown into an institution that is known for its research and its professors have written an average of 4.4 SCI (Science Citation Index) research papers per professor in 2005. Earnings from research conducted at POSTECH total 435 million won ($370,000) per faculty a year ,according to Koreaherald 15Mar2007. Article 1:POSTECH Spent Most Money on Students [The Chosun Ilbo 23Sep2008], Article 2: Kaist takes back No. 1 spot from Postech in rankings[JoongAng Daily 29Sep2008]
That's reason why they can afford to gather good enough videos more. They need to live up to their reputation.
Beyond YouTube
I think is the biggest Internet video platform. Now it's run by the google, the god of the WWW. Through the whole world, more than a thousand of UCC(User Created Contents) are updated daily. There are a bunch of varieties such like personal life, street report, academic, art, music video, reproduced program, and of course porn. The world is wildly exited at surfing YouTube.
At Internet video portal was in its youth, people felt thirsty for enjoying UCC. YouTube is quite well designed for unskillful people to play it. So, YouTube have been soon filled. There is few guidelines. As looking through category, it's the large percentage that reproduced programs, hot music videos, and sexual stuffs. That's reason why YouTube now make sort of bottom line.
As I mention ahead, from now on the quantity doesn't matter, but the quality. The problem is related to both the consumer and the producer. The consumer considers the verified video, not rerereproduced stuff just made without any edit. Also, the producer is worry that their devoted video is placed next by porn.
Some web engineers find out that problem. There are some good enough video portals.
I sometimes surf in order to listen a voice of scholar. There are a lot of institutes, research centers, business companies, and universities take a participation to upload valuable videos into researchchannel. Here is the list of contributors.
If you think researchchanel is a little bit boring and unattractive because too academic, I highly encourage is really cool. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design. They said their mission is Spreading ideas. They hold annually TED Conference and award TED Prize and $100,000 in order to stimulate participation.
Also, here is another online video market player, It founded in March 2007, with NBC Universal of GE, FOX of News Corp., and the Walt Disney Company. Hulu's market concept is to help people find and enjoy the world's premium video content. Here is review about 'Growth and expandability of' from Camo's blog. Unfortunately, however, offers video service only in America.
Actually, I had term project making business plan in a course of management. At that time, I and my buddies also thought about this kind of instructional video portal. We thought there are both sides around portal. One is video supplier, and other is video demander. We focused to the side of suppliers, because at least we needed to show something we can. We tried to contact some universities and noncommercial public broadcast like EBS. First of all, we contacted our university, POSTECH. At that time, my alma mater opened lectures from famous speakers like Nobel Prize laureates in series, celebrating the university has been open for 20 years. However, they hesitate to join us. I think they might worry who's going to take the proprietary rights of the lecture. Who is that among our portal, university, and speakers?
I think university should have been more brave and cool. Spreading idea is one of what we would like the university to do. It's not commercial business area, but it's good enough opportunity to say WE ARE COOL!
[매경]TED 콘퍼런스: 18분의 매직
At Internet video portal was in its youth, people felt thirsty for enjoying UCC. YouTube is quite well designed for unskillful people to play it. So, YouTube have been soon filled. There is few guidelines. As looking through category, it's the large percentage that reproduced programs, hot music videos, and sexual stuffs. That's reason why YouTube now make sort of bottom line.
As I mention ahead, from now on the quantity doesn't matter, but the quality. The problem is related to both the consumer and the producer. The consumer considers the verified video, not rerereproduced stuff just made without any edit. Also, the producer is worry that their devoted video is placed next by porn.
Some web engineers find out that problem. There are some good enough video portals.
I sometimes surf in order to listen a voice of scholar. There are a lot of institutes, research centers, business companies, and universities take a participation to upload valuable videos into researchchannel. Here is the list of contributors.
If you think researchchanel is a little bit boring and unattractive because too academic, I highly encourage is really cool. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design. They said their mission is Spreading ideas. They hold annually TED Conference and award TED Prize and $100,000 in order to stimulate participation.
Also, here is another online video market player, It founded in March 2007, with NBC Universal of GE, FOX of News Corp., and the Walt Disney Company. Hulu's market concept is to help people find and enjoy the world's premium video content. Here is review about 'Growth and expandability of' from Camo's blog. Unfortunately, however, offers video service only in America.
Actually, I had term project making business plan in a course of management. At that time, I and my buddies also thought about this kind of instructional video portal. We thought there are both sides around portal. One is video supplier, and other is video demander. We focused to the side of suppliers, because at least we needed to show something we can. We tried to contact some universities and noncommercial public broadcast like EBS. First of all, we contacted our university, POSTECH. At that time, my alma mater opened lectures from famous speakers like Nobel Prize laureates in series, celebrating the university has been open for 20 years. However, they hesitate to join us. I think they might worry who's going to take the proprietary rights of the lecture. Who is that among our portal, university, and speakers?
I think university should have been more brave and cool. Spreading idea is one of what we would like the university to do. It's not commercial business area, but it's good enough opportunity to say WE ARE COOL!
[매경]TED 콘퍼런스: 18분의 매직
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Tour vs. Trekking
Trekking is getting more popular outdoor recreation. Beyond just taking photos of foreign world, people would like to experience the real different world. For example, they want to eat a restaurant where local people usually go, not just a restaurant where tour magazine recommend. Just seeing cannot satisfy tourists now. They prefer touching rather than watching. We are living in TUI(Tangible User Interface), not GUI(Graphical User Interface).
According to this trend, I think tour service also will be changed.
There is good example that I said. That is SunTrek.
I have trekked along the east side of the North America with Suntrek. I took a round from New York City to Washington DC, Philadelphia, Niagara fall, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Connecticut, Boston, and New York City again for 2 weeks. I experienced and learned from this trekking rather than a normal backpack trip.
Danish family, me, Austrian family, and Australian sisters(from left to right)
According to this trend, I think tour service also will be changed.
There is good example that I said. That is SunTrek.
I have trekked along the east side of the North America with Suntrek. I took a round from New York City to Washington DC, Philadelphia, Niagara fall, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Connecticut, Boston, and New York City again for 2 weeks. I experienced and learned from this trekking rather than a normal backpack trip.
Be Guru? Be Guru!
According to wikipedia, a guru is one who is regarded as having great knowledge, wisdom and authority in a certain area, and who uses it to guide others.
These days, we regard professional opinion leaders as gurus. They are multi players in the professional area like scholar,professor, author, entrepreneur, consultant, investor, or journalist.
Here is a few names of gurus who you can surely recognize:
Seth Godin, Tom Peters, Jim Rogers, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, George Soros, Steve Jobs, Jack Trout, Thomas L. Friedman, Peter Drucker, Michael Bloomberg, Alvin toffler, Eric Schmidt, Al Gore
They are all hot Icons. Even only their names have brand power. As long as they mention briefly about issues of politic, economic, strategic management, or globalization, a mess of broadcast media goes crazy about their words. They have opinion power. They know how to rule the world. They have an insight into where the world will go future. They have universal followers.
However, from now on there are brand new engines, who possibly become guru. They are young barely shave. We call them G-generation(Google-generation).
For example, Mark Zuckerberg who is the founder of, Tom Anderson who is the founder of, Evan Williams who is founder of
From the pioneer day their business rocket high. They were born at web 1.0 and are growing up at web 2.0. It's the third hand for them to connect the internet.
We need more new engines in a lots business areas.
These days, we regard professional opinion leaders as gurus. They are multi players in the professional area like scholar,professor, author, entrepreneur, consultant, investor, or journalist.
Here is a few names of gurus who you can surely recognize:
Seth Godin, Tom Peters, Jim Rogers, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, George Soros, Steve Jobs, Jack Trout, Thomas L. Friedman, Peter Drucker, Michael Bloomberg, Alvin toffler, Eric Schmidt, Al Gore
They are all hot Icons. Even only their names have brand power. As long as they mention briefly about issues of politic, economic, strategic management, or globalization, a mess of broadcast media goes crazy about their words. They have opinion power. They know how to rule the world. They have an insight into where the world will go future. They have universal followers.
However, from now on there are brand new engines, who possibly become guru. They are young barely shave. We call them G-generation(Google-generation).
For example, Mark Zuckerberg who is the founder of, Tom Anderson who is the founder of, Evan Williams who is founder of
From the pioneer day their business rocket high. They were born at web 1.0 and are growing up at web 2.0. It's the third hand for them to connect the internet.
We need more new engines in a lots business areas.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
¿Hablas tú español?
Hola, Señor, Señora y Señorita.
Me llamo Jihoon Roh. Soy Coreano. Tengo veintidos años. Llevo en Seoul, Corea. Llevo casi veintiuno años aqui.
Llevo dos semanas estudiando español, pero todavía no hablo bien espñol.
Quiero estudiar el español.
I´d like to write these in Spanish. Let´s see below:
Hello, Mr., Mrs. and Ms.
Nice to meet you.
My name is Jihoon Roh. I´m Korean. I´m 22 year old. I live in Seoul, Korea. I'm living hear almost 21 years.
I'v studied Spanish for 2 weeks, but I can't speak Spanish very well.
I'd like to study Spanish.
That's what I want to say in Spanish.
I'm studying with a Spanish language text book and cassette tapes.
I will update what I learned about Spanish. It will be written in both Spanish and English.
Me llamo Jihoon Roh. Soy Coreano. Tengo veintidos años. Llevo en Seoul, Corea. Llevo casi veintiuno años aqui.
Llevo dos semanas estudiando español, pero todavía no hablo bien espñol.
Quiero estudiar el español.
I´d like to write these in Spanish. Let´s see below:
Hello, Mr., Mrs. and Ms.
Nice to meet you.
My name is Jihoon Roh. I´m Korean. I´m 22 year old. I live in Seoul, Korea. I'm living hear almost 21 years.
I'v studied Spanish for 2 weeks, but I can't speak Spanish very well.
I'd like to study Spanish.
That's what I want to say in Spanish.
I'm studying with a Spanish language text book and cassette tapes.
I will update what I learned about Spanish. It will be written in both Spanish and English.
What Would Google Do?
The book said that Google is the U.S. steel in our era.
During the Industrial Revolution, U.S. steel have been a mother of value. Those days every companies made vehicles, arms, and infrastructures like buildings, harbors, and dams using steel U.S. steel produced.
However, from now on Google is a mother of value. Google isn't any more the world biggest internet search engine but the world biggest knowledge company. The more we google, the smarter google is. Not only mass company, but also mass of niches will effect others' life style. For example, or is built by mass of niches. Google help the mass of niches to do their business.
First of all, the book said what google rules.
Second, the book guess what if google ruled the world.
What if people who working for Media, Advertising, Retail, Utilities, Manufacturing, Service, Money, Public welfare, and Public Institions thank google way? There would be some amasing compaies like the Google Times, Google Shop, GT&T, Googlemobile, Google air, Google Capital, Google Hospital, and Google U.
We don't need to be google, but we need to know how to make value through google.
jeff jarvis,
long tail,
web 2.0,
What Would Google Do,
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Gwanhwamun Square
Damn libaray computer doesn't work for Hanguel..
I don't know the reason why. After setting hanguel, some is working, other is not. How can I blame a silly computer,it's all up to my bad computer skill.
Anyway, I, Bro.Yoon, and Bro. Jun met at Sinchon. After meeting, I went to nice restaurant with Bro. Yoon. And then, we went to Gwanhwamun square. There were the crowd enjoying photoes and taking a walk with family.
When I was young, I only could see the statue of General Yi, sun shin inside a vehicle running a way. However, thanks to Seoul Metropolitan Government, from now we could look at him under his feet.
There is more detail information about Gwanghwamun square.
I don't know the reason why. After setting hanguel, some is working, other is not. How can I blame a silly computer,it's all up to my bad computer skill.
Anyway, I, Bro.Yoon, and Bro. Jun met at Sinchon. After meeting, I went to nice restaurant with Bro. Yoon. And then, we went to Gwanhwamun square. There were the crowd enjoying photoes and taking a walk with family.
When I was young, I only could see the statue of General Yi, sun shin inside a vehicle running a way. However, thanks to Seoul Metropolitan Government, from now we could look at him under his feet.
There is more detail information about Gwanghwamun square.
Friday, August 07, 2009
Predictably Irrational
행동경제학분야 책읽기의 세번째 책 [Predictably Irrational - Dan Ariely]
Dan Ariely 교수의 능숙한 입담과 행동경제학 실험에 대한 이야기들이 딱딱할 수 있는 경제학 분야를 재미있게 녹여내고 있다. Dan Ariely 교수가 서술 방식을 빌어 쳅터 별로 간단히 요약해 보겠다.
요약에 앞서 본 게시물의 모든 내용의 권한은 Predictably Irrational의 출판사 및 저자 Dan Ariely에게 있음을 밝힌다.
1. The Truth about Relativity
(1) 00인터넷 신문 구독료 - 5,000원
(2) 00신문 구독료 - 30,000원
(3) 00신문 및 00인터넷 신문 구독료 - 30,000원
이란 제안을 받는다면 어떤 옵션을 선택할 것인가?
본 설문조사지를 자세히 살펴보면 무엇인가 모순이 있어보인다. 바로 옵션 (3)이 옵션 (2)보다 월등히 우월한 조건이다. 이에 따라 사람들은 옵션 (3)을 선택했을때 상대적으로 올바른 선택을 했다는 착각에 빠지게 된다. 바로 옵션(2) 같은 것을 Decoy(미끼)라 부르며 이를 Decoy effect라 한다.
이는 우리가 판단을 내릴 때 절대적인 가치보다는 상대적인 가치에 치중하여 생각을 하기 때문이다. 본문에서 저자는 "Thinking broadly is not easy, because making relative judgements is the natural way we think."라고 이야기 한다.
올바른 Decoy를 사용하기 위해서는 Decoy가 의도하는 옵션과 확실하게 비교가능 해야 한다.

2. The Fallacy of Supply and Demand
제품의 가격이 판매자의 판매가와 수요자의 입찰가 사이에서 결정된다는 것이 경제학의 원론이다. 하지만 사람들은 때때로 이유없이 높은 가격에 현혹 된기도 한다.
이를 Arbitrary coherence(임의의 일관성)이라 부른다. 이는 오리 새끼의 경우 태어났을 때 처음 본 움직이는 물체를 자신의 부모라 여기고, 이 사실을 끝까지 믿는 다는데서 유례한다.
오리와 같이 사람들도 정보가 결여되어 있는 상품을 고를 때 여러 상품들의 내적 가치보다는 높은 가격에 현혹되어 의사 결정을 내린다. 한 예로, 유아용품의 경우 부모들의 안전에 대한 극심한 주의로 인해 높은 가격의 유아 용품일 수록 더욱 잘 팔린다.
3. The Cost of Zero Cost
사람들은 $2 보다 $1이 1만큼 저렴한 것과 $1보다 $0이 1만큼 저렴한 사실을 같게 받아 들이지 않는다. $0는 FREE!!라는 압박감으로 밀려온다.
(1) 10,000원 짜리 인터파크 상품권을 무료로 판매
(2) 20,000원 짜리 인터파크 상품권을 7천원에 판매
대부분의 사람들은 즉각적인 대답을 요구 할때 옵션 (1)을 선호하는 경향을 보인다. 사실 옵션 (2) 를 선택할 경우 실질적인 이득은 13,000원으로 옵셥 (1)보다 3,000원 높은데도 말이다.
4. The Cost of Social Norm
Dan Ariely에게 세계를 두 개로 불리하라고 하면 아마 그는 Social Norm과 Market Norm으로 나눌 것이다. Social Norm은 이해관계를 따지지 않는 가족 혹은 친구간의 사이를 뜻한다. 반면 Market Norm은 서로의 이해관계를 따지고 화폐라는 단위로 평가되는 사이를 뜻한다.
가끔 우리는 상대방의 호의를 Market Norm으로 받아드려 둘 사이의 껄끄러운 관계를 만들곤 한다. 예를 들어, 장모님의 맛있게 해주신 명절 음식에 "얼마드리면 되요?"라고 물어본다면,, 과연 내년 명절에도 장모님께서 해주시는 명절 음식을 먹을 수 있을까?
몇몇 기업들의 경우 Market Norm으로 구성된 기업과 고객 혹은 기업과 직원들 사이의 관계를 Social Norm으로 전환하기 위해 부단한 노력을 한다. 그 이유는 이해 관계를 따지는 딱딱한 관계를 넘어서 더욱 친밀하고 서로에 대한 신뢰감을 높이기 위해서이다. 최근에는 twitter를 이용하여 이를 시행하는 기업들이 등장해 눈길을 끈다.
저자는 "Nation's productivity depends increasingly on the talent and efforts of its workers"라고 말하며 기업이 이러한 시도를 장려하고 있다. 한국의 미래도 인재 육성 및 인재 관리에 있다는데 주목하면 이 말은 우리에게 적용될 것이다.( 참고 Business Wants to Go Social_Fortune)
5. The Influence of Arousal
Dan Ariely 교수는 굉장히 야릇한 실험을 실행했다. 사람들이 성적으로 흥분이 될 경우 그 반대일 경우 보다 비 이상적인 판단을 내리기 쉽다는 결론을 도출 한다. 자세한 실험 과정 이야기는 책 내용을 참고하기 바란다.
6. The Problem of Procrastination and Self-Control
학기말 보고서의 제출 기한에 대해서
(1) 특정한 날짜를 공지하지 않은 경우
(2) 교수님이 특정한 날짜를 공지하고 학생들이 이 사실을 알 경우
(3) 본인 스스로 제출 날짜를 정해서 교수님께 이 사실을 알릴 경우
세 가지 옵션에 대해 실험 후 학기말 성적을 조사한 결과
(2)>(3)>(1)의 순으로 성적이 나타났다. 이에 대해 사람은 자제심이 있음에도 이를 잘 지키기 힘들다는 결론이다. 성적 순으로는 (2)이 (3)보다 앞서지만 인도적 차원에서 (3)을 장려하는게 좋다. 그 이유는 타의에 의한 행동보다는 자의에 의한 행동이 보다 낳은 의사결정이라는 사회적 통념에 기반한다.
그렇다면 흔들리는 자제심을 위해 몇가지 Nudge를 가해 보면 어떨까? 예를 들면, 보고서의 진행사항을 교수님께 보고 한다든지, 아니면 기한 제출 전까지 의무적으로 교수님과 1회이상 상담을 받도록 한다는 것 처럼 말이다.
7. The High Price of Ownership
남의 떡이 더 커 보인다는 옛말이 있지만, 저자는 정 반대의 의견을 제시한다.
삼성과 두산의 2009 코리안 시리즈 마지막 경기의 V.I.P. 석 2장이 있지만 예기치 못한 출장스케줄로 표를 날리게 된 두산팬씨는 Dan Ariely의 주선으로 표를 팔기로 했다. Dan Ariely의 표값으로 얼마를 생각하냐는 물음에 두산팬씨는 500,000원이라 말한다. 오십만원이라는 가격의 산출에 대한 질문에 두산팬씨는 "어릴 적부터 난 두산의 열렬한 팬이였고 두산이 진출한 코리안시스즈 결증 전은 내 삶의 큰 부분이다"라고 답했다.
이처럼 사람들은 자신이 소유한 물건에 자신만의 추억 혹은 애정을 가격에 반영해서 생각하는 경향이 있다. 오래되고 낡은 장롱에 어머니는 큰 가치를 부여하시곤 한다.
8. Keeping Doors Open
신라 화랑의 세속 오계중 하나인 임전무퇴가 있다. 이는 싸움에 나가서 물러서지 않는다는 말로 과거 중국의 한 장군은 전쟁터에 나가 돌아갈 배를 모두 부수고 조리도구를 모두 부수어 전쟁에 승리했다는 이야기가 있다.
이는 일반적인 우리의 의사결정 방법과 전혀 다르다. 대게 사람들은 우리가 선택할 수 있는 모든 사항을 두루 두루 고려해보고 선택하기를 선호한다. 예를 들어 우리는 아이가 어쩌면 그 분야에 천재적인 재능을 타고 났을 까봐 수영, 피아노, 태권도, 그림 등을 가르치고는 한다.
사람들은 가능하면 모든 가능성을 열어두려고 한다.
입시철이 되면 여러군대에 원서를 내는 경우를 볼 수 있다. 하지만 나는 이와는 반대로 내가 목표를 했던 대학 하나를 정해 놓고 그 대학에 합격 하기 위해 모든 방법을 강구했다. 지금 와서 생각하지만, 만약 그때 그 대학에 떨어졌더라면 그 때 차선책을 찾아 봤을 테지만, 그런일이 생기지 않아서 다행이다.
입시철이 되면 여러군대에 원서를 내는 경우를 볼 수 있다. 하지만 나는 이와는 반대로 내가 목표를 했던 대학 하나를 정해 놓고 그 대학에 합격 하기 위해 모든 방법을 강구했다. 지금 와서 생각하지만, 만약 그때 그 대학에 떨어졌더라면 그 때 차선책을 찾아 봤을 테지만, 그런일이 생기지 않아서 다행이다.
저자는 "What we need is to consciouly start closing some of our doors"라고 말하며 효율적인 의사 결정을 내리기 위해 몇가지에 집중하기를 권고한다.
9. The Effect of Expectations
두산팬씨가 축구팬씨와 두산과 현대의 코리안 시리즈 결승전으 관람하기위해 잠실구장을 찾았다. 경기는 9회말 7:8의 대 접전. 1점 차로 뒤지는 두산의 마지막 공격. 2아웃 1루 상황에서 4번 타자가 친 공은 쭉쭉 뻣어 파울선에 살짝 걸치면서 담장을 넘어갔다. 두산팬씨는 흥분을 감추지 못하고 환호성을 터트리며 축하한다. 하지만 축구팬씨는 "비디오 판독을 봐야되는거 아냐?" 라며 냉정하게 상황은 관망한다.
이처럼 사람은 우리가 기대하는 대로 느끼기 마련이다. 이에 대해서는 유명한 Coca Cola와 Pepsi의 Blinding taste 실험이 있다. 저자는 "Expectations change the way we perceive and appreciate experience"라고 이야기 한다.
10. The Power of Price
Placebo(위약)실험에 대해 들어본 적이 있을 것이다. 많은 과학자들은 Placebo effect에 대해 확실한 과학전 근거가 부족하다는 이유로 받아들이기를 거부한다. 하지만 종종 Placebo effect의 현상들은 우리 주변에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.
저자는 "Why a 50-cent aspirin can do what a penny aspirin can't"라는 질문을 던지면서 가격에 비례하여 성능이 더 좋을 것이라는 기대심리가 인간 내적인 병리작용에 영향을 미친 것으로 추정한다.
Behavioral Economic,
Dan Ariely,
Daniel Kahneman,
Predictably Irrational,
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Foolproof System
foolproof의 영영사전 뜻은 다음과 같다.
Something such as a plan or a machine that is foolproof is so well designed, easy to understand, or easy to use that it cannot go wrong or be used wrongly.
Foolproof System은 한글로 실수방지시스템이다. 본 시스템은 과거 제조현장에서 쓰이던 용어이다. 실수방지시스템은 크게 두가지로 나누어 예방과 주의로 나눌 수 있다. 첫째로 작업현장에서 발생할 수 있는 실수를 예방하기위한 기능과 둘째로 실수 발생시 빠른시간에 경고 알람의 소리나 빛의 점멸등을 방법으로 작업자의 주의를 끄는 기능이다.
이처럼 제조현장에서는 실수방지시스템을 이용하여 제품의 불량률을 낮추고 생산성을 높일 수 있었다.
"Nudge : Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness - Thaler, Richard H"를 읽으면서 선택의 자유를 침해하지 않으면서도 똑똑한 선택을 유도하는 부드러운 힘이란 Nudge는 제조현장의 Foolproof System의 세련된 말처럼 느껴졌다.
Foolproof 개념은 제조현장 뿐만아니라 공구 디자인을 비롯하여 신도시건설계획까지
방범위하게 적용될 수 있다. 한 예로 공항에서는 탑승객의 적정 수하물 크기를 검사하는데 시간이 걸리던 것을 줄이기 위해 Foolproof 개념을 적용했다. 즉, 공공장소에 55x38x20cm 부피의 사각 틀을 놓아 탑승객 스스로 수하물의 크기를 검사해 볼 수 있게 유도했다. 이와 유사한 예로는 놀이공원에서 놀이기구 탑승객의 신장제한을 위해 시설물 입구에 놓인 키 제는 기구들이 있다.
최근에는 Nudge와 같이 공공행정, 연금 상품 선택 등 공공분야에서 의사결정을 내리는데 있어서 보다 합리적인 결정을 내릴 수 있도록 유도하는데 활용되고 있다.
Something such as a plan or a machine that is foolproof is so well designed, easy to understand, or easy to use that it cannot go wrong or be used wrongly.
Foolproof System은 한글로 실수방지시스템이다. 본 시스템은 과거 제조현장에서 쓰이던 용어이다. 실수방지시스템은 크게 두가지로 나누어 예방과 주의로 나눌 수 있다. 첫째로 작업현장에서 발생할 수 있는 실수를 예방하기위한 기능과 둘째로 실수 발생시 빠른시간에 경고 알람의 소리나 빛의 점멸등을 방법으로 작업자의 주의를 끄는 기능이다.
이처럼 제조현장에서는 실수방지시스템을 이용하여 제품의 불량률을 낮추고 생산성을 높일 수 있었다.
"Nudge : Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness - Thaler, Richard H"를 읽으면서 선택의 자유를 침해하지 않으면서도 똑똑한 선택을 유도하는 부드러운 힘이란 Nudge는 제조현장의 Foolproof System의 세련된 말처럼 느껴졌다.
Foolproof 개념은 제조현장 뿐만아니라 공구 디자인을 비롯하여 신도시건설계획까지

최근에는 Nudge와 같이 공공행정, 연금 상품 선택 등 공공분야에서 의사결정을 내리는데 있어서 보다 합리적인 결정을 내릴 수 있도록 유도하는데 활용되고 있다.
기본적으로 Foolproof와 Nudge의 개념은 개개인들의 의사결정을 누군가가 생각하는 합리적이라는 방향으로 유도하는데 있다. 다수의 사람이 이용하는 공원, 도서관, 놀이동산 등의 공공장소에서 이와 같은 개념이 활용된다면 공공시설물 사용 및 관리에 도움이 될 것이다.
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