Saturday, August 22, 2009

Darwinism To Business, and YOU

Fortune 500 publishes the annual ranking of America's largest corporations. Here is the list from 1955 to 2009. The ranking of top 100 is not too many changed, but there is a little fluctuation. When the dinosaur company show up on the list for a decade, no one expect they're going to collapse.

However, it is truth that after sunrise, there is sunset. As looking through and comparing the list year-by-year, you can figure out who is going upward and who is going downward.

According to Charles R. Darwin who is famous for the Origin of the Species, what the last survives is not the strong, but the adaptation. Some dinosaur companies which once ruled the the world fail to read the change.
There are a few reasons. Some of them rested on their laurels, or other went to too far away from their capability because of greed.

Darwinism could be applied to personal career, too. The mass of niches control the world these days. Each person is able to have their brand power by using various PR tool.

Let me think,,
How often reintroduce myself?

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